viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

The last one..

Today is an historic day, because is my last blog for now.
Y need say, all those blogs helped to me to can write and express my ideas in english a little better, but now is still difficult to me can write or talk fluent. But, with effort someday I can to achieve. To write is not my virtue. However I have to recognize to do blogs is useful to express, better, things that I think, because with doing that we have time to write and we can think better what things we will put in a sentence. In my case, that doesn’t mean what my grammar is OK, because I know it is awful, but I try!.
Now, if any ask to me if all this work (do blogs) was enjoyable I will say “NO, because I’m a little lazy!” ajajaja… but is true, do this kind of stuff is not an enjoyable thing to me. I like to do other things! , like move! , like sports! ajajaja.
I think, if we will have more classes with oral exercises we can learn better English, not do only blogs, because that is a little monotonous, and for me things monotonous are things bored. But, I insist, do blogs is very useful to practice the language and grammar, but combined with other styles of teching.
To finish I want say: do things that you don’t want to do also is useful in some extent!.

martes, 29 de junio de 2010 7 years...

If the world does not end within two years, in 7 years I shall be entitled to physical therapist four years ago, probably, and I will working in a hospital and a sports center, Maybe.

I like sports and for that I would like to work in a sports center, hospital or in my own clinic, research and/or teaching. But above all I would like to continue the research.
As I said, the two things I would most like to work will be in research and sport, and so can join them and raise knowledge of matters relating to sport, and help with my little molehill. My target is to contribute in the most areas as I can, either in clinic, sports or research.

About working conditions, I wish my schedule allowed me to develop in other areas (like sports, family, friends, etc.) and not be unifunctional, where only think about work, work and work, relegated to the background my personal life

I also would like people around me were being honest and doing what they really like, do not work just for money. I think, if you do what you like, is not a big problem how much money you earn, you just do your vocation, and the rest come by itslef. Is very difficult study or work in something what don’t like you. And that transforms you into an unhappy person. And that spread to other people. However, I would like my work be good rewarded.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Take care or pay

This time i'm going to talk about prevention and the education in the area of health.

Prevention of any illnes is very important in all the stages in life, since we born until dead (or before the dead). In general, one of the best things we can do to say "no" to illnes is do sports regularly. When we does sports, the risk to contract a diseasse fall, like coronary diseasses or problems with overweight and others.

The people who know about these matters should to share the information with the rest of the people, to educate the poblation.

At the individual level we can prevent diseasses doing sports regularly and having good habits, like: eat well, don't drink to much alcohol, no smoking, among others. At the family level, we can share with the rest of members of the family good habits, like do sports in family or put atention in how is the life quality of them.

But the more important way to prevent and educate to all poblation in the same way is to create programs about the risk and cons of a bad life quality and bad habits. And to do this, inform to all people, the government have a fundamental role.

But physical therapists also have an important role, because they have the necessary knowledge to inform the community, doing conferences and seminars or visit schools to inform childrens.

To finish, i have to say, the education about healthy life is very important in first stages of life, because they are the most important periods in life, to create and build our personality.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Who is the boss?

Just 51 years ago, women had no right to vote, which showed the dominant male chauvinism in chilean society of those times. Now if we look around, we see that the female sex has a large representation and accountability at the level of nation, represented by the first woman president of Chile, with the previous government.

This change we are still living is about two things mainly, wich are higly intercoennected: 1.- Women have struggled to get protagonism in this society; 2.- The society is being more tolerant and open to change and difference.

In the past, household tasks was divided between mens and womens in established way. Women were housewives, and they should be more actives in their children formation and education. While men were those who maintained the home, "providing money and food". Now, however, these roles are shared, although this difference is still visible, but less so than years ago. Like these roles home, have also changed or, rather, are sharing the job roles. It is increasingly common to see women in senior positions, which was previously unthinkable.

This, in my opinion, is a good thing, and that society can function in a better way, taking both points of view (male and female) when take decisions.

Finaly, I would say that this is not a battle won yet, since much remains so that there is total equality between both sex.

Only with time we will see if this can be achieved.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

Food, an addiction...

This time, i'm going to talk about the food, sometimes a pleasure and sometimes a torture... jojo...

My favourite food is lasagna. Just think about its make me hungry.

If i'm very hungry and I eat lasagna with potato chips, i'm in the heaven. maybe some people think, this is a bad combination, but if you taste it, you will find me the reason. Its a very gooooood and delicious mix.

I don't feel guilty to eat nothing. all the food is good for me, i'm thin ,so I can eat all food I want and can.

Students usually eat fast food, if they haven't time to eat well. This can be: hot dogs or potato chips and other things like that. If a student eat this kind of things every day maybe he/she will be ill sooner or later, and his/her academic performance will decline.

I consider as bad food all things made in fast food locals, like potato chips or hamburgers, because this kind of things have high fat levels.

I think, my perfect diet is eat every day 5 or 6 times, but moderates servings with lapse of 2 or 3 hours. well, bye!

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

The Best Careeer

To be a physical therapist involves different aspects. They can help patients with restoring functions, improving mobility and relieving pain, among others. A physical therapist can work in differents places, like: private practices, hospitals, nursing care facilities, out patients care centers, home health care services, rehabilitation centers, adult day care programs and schools. The principal mission of a physical therapist is to improve the life quality.

I decided study this career, because is connected directly with sport and rehabilitation, and I am a sport's fan. And I think, if you have the posibility to get better a person who has a very serious physical problems, is a very beatiful thing for both, patients and you.

My aim is learn the most things about this career, principaly things related with sports, and try to contribute with relevant knowledges.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Clair Davis, my inspiration

This time, I'll talk about a person who inspired me to study my career, Clair Davies, a massage therapist.

He is from the United States, and he wrote the book "Trigger Points Theraphy".

In his life, he dedicated his time to tune pianos. But one day he felt a pain in his shoulder, and it grew worse when he did his work.

He entered Utah university to study in the Therapeutic Massage of Medicine school to learn the trigger points therapy to the pain treatment.

I found his book casuality in the Santiago's library.

In his book he teach how we can do massage too us or other people. This kind of massage is painful but it works very good. I have confirmed this treatment with myself and other people.

A chronical pain can be solucionated with this treatment successfully.

That inspirated me to enter to study Physical Therapy, and I see him like my inspiration because he helped much people with solucionate pains, chronical pains. This in my career is very important and I need and I want lear all of that.